
Herd Sires

Young Stock



Sales List


GCH Rachelsie Day For A Daydream 2*M ("Dayo")(Purebred)

Meadowsong Chester's Flint

Ivy Patch FL Tetonka

CH Cardinal*Hill S Lorelei

Milk-N-Mor Ritzman

Milk-N-Mor Midnight Dreamer 1*M

Milk-N-Mor Mans Super Redwing

"Dayo" is my only "Dreama" and "Tonka" daughter and is the stuff dreams are made of. "Dayo" finished her championship with back to back shows in the spring of 2013. She has a lovely, butter soft udder, and is a dream to milk. She earned her milk star with 1810 pounds milk; 87 pounds butterfat; 58 pounds protein in 252 days in milk. "Dayo" will be bred for 2014 kids.

Rachelsie Double Delight 2*M ("Deli")(Polled/Purebred)

Y-Knot Knight's Adar

Homeland Dairy AR Thorn

Y-Knot Sorek's Vin Rose 3*M

Meadowsong Lit'l Wolf Asher

Rumphius Jingle Jangle

Rumphius SA Darlin Ebony Belle

"Deli" has two of her Championship legs. She freshened with a lovely, well attached udder and is milking almost 8# a day -- she earned her milk production star with 1810 pounds milk; 70 pounds butterfat; 59 pounds protein at 285 days in milk. "Deli" will be AI'd to the Swiss import "Balz" for 2014 kids.

GCH Rachelsie Ruffles 3*M ("Ruffles")(American)

CH FDF-Pleasant-Fields Choo Choo

Rachelsie Zurichsee

SG F.D.F.-Pleasant-Fields Adin 1*M

One*Oak*Hill Pecan Accord

Cream-Of-Kansas' A Trisket 2*M

CH FDF-Pleasant-Fields Ariot 1*M

"Ruffles" -- What can I say! This doe has my 'dream' pedigree: She is a "Adin"; "Choo"; and "Accord" grand-daughter, the three lines my herd is built on! She has proven her hertiage by finishing her ADGA Championship in three shows as a first freshner! She is looking to out milk her grand-dam, "Adin" (who was two times Top Ten Breed Leader), by milking over 16# a day! "Ruffles" achieved her Breed Leader status in 2012 with 2690 pounds milk; 115 pounds butterfat; 74 pounds protein at 285 days in milk. She was bred to Rachelsie Edmond Fitzgerald for 2013 kids, this is a repeat breeding from 2012 that produced Rachelsie Midnight A'Lost&Found, aka: "Matilda". Her 2013 doeling, Rachelsie Better On A Ritz ("Ritzie") is also retained.

Rachelsie Scrumptious ("Scrumptious")(Purebred)

Milk-N-Mor PG Red Apache

Trinity Rose George

Milk-N-Mor D-Nite Robin

Y-Knot Knight's A&W

New-Era A&W Toot Sweet

New-Era Hans' Trudy

"Scrumptious" "Scrumptious" will be bred for 2014 kids.

Sir Echo Arbeva ("Beva")(American)

*B Sir Echo Sento's Son

*B Sir Echo Arby

SGCH Sir Echo Redji 6*M

+B SG One*Oak*Hill Chalice Chance

Sir Echo Ooh Eva

SGCH Sir Echo Sentos Labor of Love 2*M

"Beva" "Beva" is bred to CH Rachelsie Notte Sento 2014 kids.

CH Milk-N-Mor D-Nite Redbird ("Redbird")(Purebred)

Milk-N-Mor Duke of Redbud Mt

Milk-N-Mor B/Duke's Dillon

Milk-N-Mor Man's Bonita

Milk-N-Mor Ritzman

Milk-N-Mor Super Nightbird

Milk-N-Mor Mans Super Redwing

"Redbird" "Redbird" will be bred to CH Rachelsie Notte Sento 2014 kids.

Milk-N-Mor Chads Miss Ritts ("Ritts")(Purebred)

++B Tonka-Tales Sir Chesterfield

Milk-N-Mor Chet's Sir Chadwick

Milk-N-Mor Molly O'Day

Cardinal-Lanes Valiant Valken

CH Milk-N-Mor B Miss Ritsi

Milk-N-Mor Miss Bonita

"Ritts" "Ritts" will be bred to CH Rachelsie Notte Sento 2014 kids.

Milk-N-Mor NR Mis Melba ("Melba")(Purebred)

Milk-N-Mor D Chief Ritter

Milk-N-Mor CR Super Nite Ryder

Milk-N-Mor Super Nightbird

++B Tonka-Tails Sir Chesterfield

Milk-N-Mor CR Mischief

CH Milk-N-Mor B Miss Ritsi

"Melba" "Melba" will be bred to CH Rachelsie Notte Sento 2014 kids.

Rachelsie Adira ("Adira")(Polled/American)

Lyme Kiln L R La Beau

Lyme-Kiln ALB Heerlich

Seneca Valley's Apostrophe 8*M

CH FDF-Pleasant-Fields Choo Choo

SG Rachelsie Adrianna 2*M

SG FDF-Pleasant-Fields Adin 1*M

"Adira" has already made her 'splash' in the showring by going Grand and Best Junior Doe in Show at the Clay County ADGA Open show in November 2011! "Adira" has been in Virginia in the Little Tears Herd, she is returning to my herd for 2014 kids, sire has not been decided. "Adira" will be 3rd generation of ADGA Top Ten Performance record holders ... she has really big hoof prints to fill!

SG Rachelsie Adrianna ("Adrianna")(American)

"B FDF-Pleasant-Fields Alex

CH FDF-Pleasant-Fields Choo Choo

CH One*Oak*Hill Sin Chalice

One*Oak*Hill Pecan Accord

SG F.D.F.-Pleasant-Fields Adin 1*M

T.-And-A.-Farm Stacey

This only daughter of my beloved "Adin" is a dream-come-true. As a breeder, I plan and mix in a lot of hope when I match up genetics.... this doe is the product of a perfect "alignment"! She freshened with a lovely second freshening udder, and is milking 9 - 10 pounds a day. "Adrianna" easily earned her milk star in 2010. For 2011 kids, she was bred to Lyme-Kiln ALB Heerlich for polled babies! For the 2011 milking season, in the 305 day laction, "Adrianna" produced 2860# milk / 124# butterfat / 98# protein to earn ADGA Top Ten Production awards in all three categories -- #1 in Protein! "Adrianna" is retired

Reference Does
These grand ladies have passed away; or are now influential additions to other herds. They have left their "mark" in the Rachelsie herd, and are listed here for reference.

Rachelsie H.M.S. Suprise 2*M ("Dinghy")

*B FDF-Pleasant-Fields Alex

CH FDF-Pleasant-Fields Choo Choo

CH One*Oak*Hill Sin Chalice

Rachelsie Wolf With A Red Rose

Rachelsie Rose Mahoney 1*M

Rachelsie Eye Of The Storm

Every doe has a story; and every goat's name has a reason. This doe's dam line is named for great sailing ships.... The "Rose Mahoney" was a late 1800's, 5-masted schooner. I had picked sailing ships for names for the kids.... little did I expect triplets! As triplets go, they were small and as I looked at them in dismay, I wailed.... "They aren't sailing ships, they are a rowboat; a canoe; and a dinghy"!!! So the name "Dinghy" stuck. However, she has lived up to her grand sailing ship name of "H.M.S. Suprise". "Dinghy" freshened with a well attached, well extended udder -- exactly what I expected from her sire "Choo"! Rachel picked the breeding for "Dinghy" in 2011, she was bred to Highwater Alchemist. As history tends to repeat it's self, she delivered triplets.... all a little small, but strong! The first born was really a "peanut size" buckling, so this group are called; "Peanut"; "Nutter-Butter"; and "Skippy" - the does are retained. "Dinghy" got the 2012 & 2013 kidding seasons off, after triplets I feel she deserved a long vacation. This doe is still milking -- I gave up trying to dry her off! In a 305 day lactation, she milked 2900# milk / 131# butterfat / 94# protein to earn ADGA Top Ten Production awards in all three categories -- #2 in butterfat! "Dinghy" is now in North Carolina with the Crest High School FFA Oberhasli program as their foundation doe.

Ivy Patch RML Jamoca Shake

+B Meadowsong Levi Amos

Ivy Patch AL Rochester

Cardinal*Hill S Lorelie

Ivy Patch PC MR Washington

Ivy Patch MWDM Mocha Latte

Ivy Patch ZSM Mocha Delight

"Jamoca" is one of the does I managed to talk Cheryl Harris of Ivy Patch into sending to Florida for keeps. "Jamoca" was AI'd to my original herd sire, Rachelsie Spiced Pecan for May 2012 kids. She blessed me with twin does that are both being retained in the herd. "Jamoca" is semi-retired and has moved to a loving family near Bonifay, Florida.

Milk-N-Mor Midnight Dreamer 1*M (Purebred)

+*B Prancing Neanderthal Man

Milk-N-Mor Ritzman

CH Milk-N-Mor B Miss Ritsi

+*B Prancing Neanderthal Man

Milk-N-Mor Mans Super Redwing

Milk-N-Mor Super Redbird

Moving "Dreama" to the Reference page is the hardest for me to do. This doe has always been close to my heart and always a joy to be with. "Dreama" showed well in Spring 2010, with numerous Grand Champion wins, unfortunatly the Oberhasli numbers were down and she did not get that last 'official' leg she needs to finish her championship. She was looking stellar for a aged doe, and carried the pregnancy to "Sento" well until the last week. At day 140 she showed signs of complications and we managed to maintain her until day 142 when she was taken to University of Florida Vet School for a c-section. Her last gift to me was triplet bucklings sired by the purebred Swiss import "Sento". I have wanted a Sento son for 10 years, and she gave me three! The team at UF did a wonderful job, but "Dreama" had a uterin infection that was aggressive and did not respond to antibiotics, all were heartbroken to say good-bye to her.

SG F.D.F. Pleasant-Fields Adin 1*M

*B Body-Shops PF Double Pecan

One*Oak*Hill Pecan Accord

SGCH Seneca Valley's Crescendo

+B Destiny-Farm Gold Strike

T-And-A Farm Stacey

GCH T-And-A Farm Whitley 4*M

"Adin" was an elegant black-bay doe with tremendous body capacity and mammery capacity. She was tall, long, and dairy. As a 3-year old / 2nd freshner, she milked 2839# milk and 83# butterfat in 305 days to earn her milk star. "Adin" was recognized by the Florida Dairy Goat Association as the highest milking Oberhasli in the state for 2002. She is listed on the 2002 ADGA Top Ten Breed Leader list for milk production, and protein content. "Adin" come out of retirement for one last kidding...bred to "Choo Choo" she delivered a doe and buck in March 2007. With a daughter to carry on her legecy, "Adin" was the queen and as a eight year old milked 3130 pounds in a 250 day lactation and made the ADGA Top Ten Breed Leader list again; and the oldest doe of any breed that year! I repeated the breeding for 2009 and "Adin" presented a single buck kid.... Rachelsie Zurichsee. In April 2009, "Adin" joined my other wonderful old girls on the other side of the "Rainbow Bridge", she is dearly missed. "Zurichsee" was used in my herd before relocating to be a herd sire in another herd. Through him, I now have a lovely "Adin" grand-daughter ... "Adinina" who is a black-bay, and has her grand mother's attitude!

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